Summer Lawn Care Tips

As the days get longer and the temperatures start to heat up, it’s time to start thinking about summer lawn care. It seems like just yesterday we were talking about spring lawn care and weed prevention. Now it’s time to take your yard into summer which will require some changes to your lawn treatment routine. 

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grub underneath the soil

Protect Your Cincinnati Lawn From Hungry Grubs

Lawn pests are a huge problem in Ohio, and the biggest culprit is lawn grubs. Not familiar with these tiny greyish-white creatures that feast on your lawn? Turf Pro Plus Lawn Care is here to tell you everything you need to know about this vicious varment, how it destroys your Cinncinnati lawn and how a surface insect control can help prevent and control them.

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brown patch in lawn

3 Common Lawn Diseases Ready to Ruin Your Cincinnati Lawn This Summer

Summer is here, and so is the heat and humidity—a ripe environment for summer lawn diseases. Read on to learn more about three of the most common diseases we fall victim to here in Cincinnati: summer patch, brown patch, and dollar spot. Learn how to identify them, prevent them and what to do if you find yourself dealing with them.

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We Bet You Didn’t Know These Amazing Facts About Ants

Ants are tiny little insects no bigger than the size of a pencil eraser. They are annoying, creepy, and often gross when seen scurrying across your kitchen floor. But despite our popular notions, these creatures are quite fascinating. Here is everything you ever wanted to know about ants. We bet some of it will surely surprise you. And you can stop them and other pests from invading your home with Turf Pro Plus’s highly effective perimeter pest control.

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Spring Weeds That Plague Cincinnati Lawns

You’ve waited all spring for your flowers to bloom, only to discover weeds are squatting in your lawn and garden beds. Learn how to identify the most common Ohio weeds before they take over your yard this spring.

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lavender flowers

Best Spring Flowers For Your Cincinnati Garden

Ah, springtime! It’s only a few weeks away which means it’s time to start thinking about which spring flowers you’d like to see in your garden beds and how to protect them from pests and weeds.

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